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ray winstone 10:22 Sun Aug 11
Re: Sullivan trying to buy Hellas Verona
I like em cos they have Greece in their name.

diehardhammer 9:25 Sun Aug 11
Re: Sullivan trying to buy Hellas Verona
Not Sullivan’s biggest fan but you could say he’s looking to use use them as a partner club like Watford do with udinese

For all we know, hellas might be financially ruined and be available for small sum

Johnson 9:17 Sun Aug 11
Re: Sullivan trying to buy Hellas Verona
It’ll be something dodgy. Horrible lying midget gobshite cunt that Sullivan is means it’s bound to be dodgy.

Kite 8:48 Sun Aug 11
Re: Sullivan trying to buy Hellas Verona

Thames Ironworks wrote...

Re: Sullivan trying to buy Hellas Verona
He's setting up his lads to take over at West Ham

Dead right,

I’ve been saying for a while he will not sell us, making to much money. What ever way it’s dressed up he is making a lot more than just his interest payments.
30m net spend but he has money for Bolton and don’t forget he was looking to buy an F1 team the other month.

Thames Ironworks 6:46 Sun Aug 11
Re: Sullivan trying to buy Hellas Verona
He's setting up his lads to take over at West Ham, while he takes a less pressurised investment in another club where he can decide the transfers.

Unless we get a massive investor and Sullivan and his boys get a large stake in the club, we will forever have the dwarf and his spawn involved in West Ham.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 6:27 Sun Aug 11
Re: Sullivan trying to buy Hellas Verona
Park a load of young talent in Italy before selling them for loads more that he paid for them. He has come late to this game but I guess he still thinks he can make a few million here or there through human capital

eusebiovic 6:23 Sun Aug 11
Re: Sullivan trying to buy Hellas Verona
mallard 2:40 Sun Aug 11

Verona actually won the Italian title in 1985/86 season - they never indicated before or since that such an achievement was possible

Sadly that season we didn't quite manage to hang on...but it was on the cards

Mike Oxsaw 6:18 Sun Aug 11
Re: Sullivan trying to buy Hellas Verona
Buy? He shoult rent.

Verona Leaser's got more class.

gph 4:50 Sun Aug 11
Re: Sullivan trying to buy Hellas Verona
Alas Verona

Willtell 3:49 Sun Aug 11
Re: Sullivan trying to buy Hellas Verona
Here is a translation of the Italian story and the funny bit is about Sullivan, (that takes out 'pay day' loans for WH) bringing extra cash into Verona......

Who is David Sullivan, the new potential investor of Verona
The West Ham co-owner could be interested in the majority stake of the Gialloblù company, and according to L'Arena he would have already met Setti

There could be big news regarding Verona: in fact, as reported by L'Arena , businessman David Sullivan would even be interested in acquiring the majority stake of the company.

But who is David Sullivan? And why would he want to join Hellas? Waiting to verify how much there actually is concrete, let's go and comb his "curriculum" a little.

SOCCER, RED LIGHTS AND A GOLDEN HEART. Born in 1949, born in Cardiff, former actor of hard films and entrepreneur in the same environment , the Welsh has also invested in sports publishing (he was the owner, among others, of the tabloid Daily Sport ) and in football . From 1993 to 2009 Sullivan was in fact co-owner of Birmingham , while today he is the president of West Ham . He is also famous at home for being very active in charity , particularly in the fight against cancer and autism .

APPEAL. What would have attracted the interest of Sullivan is the now famous stadium project : according to the Arena , in fact, the construction of the Arena Stadium would be a sort of "insurance" for the British entrepreneur, who however would like to do so that Hellas became the only company that owns the plant . Then there are the Serie A , which has always been a guarantee of visibility in Italy and abroad, but probably also the negotiation with Balotelli , which is guaranteeing Verona a good deal of attention from the Italian and foreign press.

IT DEALS WITH. Always according to what was reported by the Scaliger newspaper, in recent days Setti would have met the businessman several times : the patron of Hellas has in fact never hidden from being in search of partners, and the great economic availability of the counterpart (it is estimated a patrimony of about 500 million euros ) would guarantee Hellas an excellent extra liquidity injection that would allow the Gialloblù to settle steadily in the top flight. Obviously, however, we repeat it a second time for safety, there is first to see how much there is true in this negotiation ...

SteveJacko 3:27 Sun Aug 11
Re: Sullivan trying to buy Hellas Verona
I’d ignore it, he probably thought Hellas Verona was some Italian left-back.

dicksie3 3:27 Sun Aug 11
Re: Sullivan trying to buy Hellas Verona
About his fucking level.

Cheapo pervy old gnome cunt.

R.E - Chelmsford 3:07 Sun Aug 11
Re: Sullivan trying to buy Hellas Verona
looking for a new challenge?

Lets fucking hope so..

mallard 2:40 Sun Aug 11
Re: Sullivan trying to buy Hellas Verona
Back in the mid-eighties, Verona were a top Italian side fielding Preben Elkjær and Thomas Berthold

goose 2:35 Sun Aug 11
Re: Sullivan trying to buy Hellas Verona

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